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Fünf Minuten Ruhm

Imagine putting 30 years of stage experience and 200% irrepressible energy together with a large portion of youthful lightness into a test tube and letting it ferment for 12 months in the corona basement. Then shake gently and pour out carefully: The result is pure punk rock energy with rousing choruses and authentic German lyrics of our time - always straight ahead.
That's exactly what Fünf Minuten Ruhm is! Fresh, full of energy and fervor, the guys present their feelings and attitude towards the world they live in. A world that revolves around success, love, loss, chaos and hope in a sometimes desolate society.

And one thing is clear about it. They don't subordinate or subordinate themselves - no they just drive through the middle of it with enthusiasm, lightness and positive energy. They drive full speed through the night! And they know only one goal in these turbulent times: 5 Minuten Ruhm - because that's what they were born for....

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